Tuesday, July 29, 2008

one week, one love

Its been one week since i arrived in guatemala. and being at the mtc, i havent had a chance to get out into the city yet, but what i have seen, i already love. This place is amazing. the sky, the plants and flowers, the people. I am stokey mc stokerson to be here and i cant wait to roam the streets of guatemala freely.The mtc (or ccm here) is pretty saweet. Its like a huge really nice hostel. there are only like, 50 or 60 missionaries, and half are latino. They are so much fun. I play soccer on concrete courts with them at my 6:30 am gym time. I only wish i could speak spanish. I am going crazy trying to figure out this language. Anyhoo, thats the update, sorry my email time is running into the red. love you all!! and EL EVANGELIO ES VERDADERA!!!!!


William Cobb said...

dang! you start speaking spanish and then i remember i don't know what it means! well, stokey mc stokerson, keep learney mc learning that language!

Dixie & Markus said...

Mary pants,
They let you blog on your mish? That's awesome! I felt deprived because I didn't get to say good bye to you. But I guess I don't have to because you are bliggity blogging!
I hope the spanish starts magically spilling out of your mouth soon!
Love yer guts!

kori said...