Monday, December 01, 2008

pics of El Estor!

so here are some pictures of my new area.... slacklining in my front yard, my favorite little boy here, jerson, hiking with me, and reading the kids version of the kekchi BOM with him, i found some rocks to climb on today during my p day explorations, and.... oh the pigs are everywhere... its nuts.... what else. the jungle. my new home. i love it.

the new area is.... AMAZING!!! i love love love it!!!! wow i feel like there is so so so much to tell you all, i cant even do it. the town is on a lake, really big, looks more like an ocean, so it feels like a coastal town. palm trees and other trees and dirt roads, and a market, thank goodness. my new comp is really cool, for p day today we hiked up a mountain. i loved it!!!! well, i kind of ran up, she walked up. but it was steep! we had these hard core little kekchi kids with us, running with me. they are SO cute! i love them to death. this one little boy, jerson, is my favorite. and i think i am his too. he is glued to my side whenever we are around. he hiked with me the whole time and insisted on carrying my water bottle up the mountain. in torn up flip flops. so cute. my comp is cool, i have actually been speaking with her a lot, is tiring but i am getting better. and a lot of the towns people here tell me i am better than the last hermana, who has a change more than me in the mission. so there. its coming. still not great, but i can usually get the message across. kekchi is another story. holy holy crap. i hear them babble on and i feel a little...panicked i guess is the word. i have no idea how i will ever be able to figure this out. i am working on it. poco a poco. but, my house is cool, a little two roomer with a pila out back to do laundry. i mos def washed my own clothes, scrubbing them on the little washboard this morning. wow. i am really growing up. and we squeezed lemons from our front yard and made lemonade. mmm. its pretty legit here. there are possibly more pigs than people here, running all over the streets. not sure why. a rooster next door wakes me up every morning at 3 am. it drives me nuts! its hot here, and i hear its supposed to REALLY ge hot in jan- april. so... i might die of heat. but luckly, even though everything is so hot here, the shower water manages to stay remarkable cold for us. not sure how, but yeah. its nice. most mornings. my comp runs with me. not far, but we are working her into shape...haha.the ward here is cool, the members are gold, always willing to help us tranlslate from spanish to kekchi for people. wow. i love it. i just cant get enough of it. we do a lot of walking. our area is big. all the towns people love my chacos and ask where i get them and how much they cost. i feel bad, i wish they could all have them! they are a hit.we get mail here every saturday night from the office in the cap, but can only send it once or twice a month. so dont expect too many snail mail letters from now on. but KEEP SENDING THEM!" i love mail you have no idea. i will still send you all mail, it will just be really old by the time you get it! no worries. i still love you all.well, i guess thats all for now. one week in the chis so far, and i love it. i hope i am here for the next 13 months. thast right, i cmoplete 5 months in the mission tomorrow. holy guacamole! i would like to say its gone by fast, but actually, i feel like i have been gone for a long time. like a year at least. who knows. but anyhoo, i am doing well, hope you guys are too. i love you long time!!!!!

love mary


The Tolmans said...

marry i am glad to hear that you are having such a good time out there , and loving it. also glad to see you slack lining and climbing, i wish i had known how to slack line when i was on my mission, hope the language is coming easy and the people are listening me and jess will keep you and the work in our prayers

Tiffani said...

This is your long-lost friend, Tif. I was very surprised to see that your blog is still up. Sounds like the mission is another adventure. Good luck with the Spanish.

Price said...

El Estor is a cool place. How lucky/blessed you are to go there. Keep working hard.

Lindsay said...

Wow you would have this much fun on your mission! :) I miss you!!

Jennilyn said...

aww MAry, you are such a cute missionary! And I bet a good one too! LOL have you convinced your comp to run a marathon yet? You're good at getting people to run...

Keep up the awesome work! You're doing great!

kori said...

your such an awesome and sincere missionary mare! love ya

Sadie said...

I about pooped my pants when I saw this!!! I'm so stoked you keep up your blog!!!!! The pig thing is wild but sounds kinda fun! The first part goes slow but then you wake up one morning and its over so I guess it evens out. Love every minute!!

Carla said...

I just remembered that you had a blog! I am so glad that I checked it out, you look like your having an amazing time out there! I know your an amazing missionary and you touch the hearts of the people everyday. May God bless you to the fullest extent.